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Showing 21–40 of 64 results
Insidious Power
Hsu Szu-chien & J. Michael Cole (eds.)
John Hedley in North China and Inner Mongolia (1897–1912)
Brett B. Bodemer
Journey to the End of the Empire
Scott Ezell
Late Qing China and Meiji Japan
Edited By Joshua A. Fogel
Letters of Gilbert Little Stark
Gilbert Little Stark
Lights! Camera! Kaishi!
Shaoyi Sun & Li Xun
Madame Chiang Kai-shek and Her China
Edited By Samuel C. Chu
Mission to China
Vasilii I. Chuikov
No Exit?
Zi Zhongyun
Oil for the Lamps of China
Alice Tisdale Hobart
Old Lhasa
M.A. Aldrich
One Hundred Years of Chinese Cinema
Edited By Haili Kong And John A. Lent
Pinyin Riji Duanwen
Zhang Liqing
Profiles from China
Eunice Tietjens
Resisting Japan
Edited By David Pong
Sagacious Monks and Bloodthirsty Warriors
Joshua A. Fogel (ed.)
Silk Road Centurion
Scott Forbes Crawford
Spilling Ink
J.D. Adams
The Archeology of Lost Affection
Victor H. Mair
The Chinese Confessions of Charles Welsh Mason
Charles Welsh Mason